Creating Project

Let's dive right in and create a project from scratch, and then run it to see Boneless in action!

For starting we've been thinking of a simple API that uses CRUD.

# First, we need to create go.mod file
$ go mod init bone

# After that let's call command boneless to start a project
# As a default, it was created using SQLite3
$ boneless new

# Here we going to execute all migrations of the `internal/app`
$ boneless migrate app up

# Now, we can use the command `run`
boneless run

    __                           __                                ______    __     ____
   / /_   ____    ____   ___    / /  ___    _____   _____         / ____/   / /    /  _/
  / __ \ / __ \  / __ \ / _ \  / /  / _ \  / ___/  / ___/        / /       / /     / /  
 / /_/ // /_/ / / / / //  __/ / /  /  __/ (__  )  (__  )        / /___    / /___ _/ /   
/_.___/ \____/ /_/ /_/ \___/ /_/   \___/ /____/  /____/         \____/   /_____//___/  


PID: <process-id>
BFF listener available on

                    Fiber v2.48.0                    
  Handlers ............. 6  Processes ........... 1  
  Prefork ....... Disabled  PID ............. 40506  

 app        : main                                 
 deployment : <uuid>                               

Wow, here we created your first app using Boneless. Now, we can be using it, let's use cURL for testing.

# Get All Examples
$ curl --location --request GET ''

# returns empty because we haven't data yet
# []

# Create an Example
$ curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "message": "Hello everyone"

# After you created anything we can get an example just
# but you need to know the ID for it
$ curl --location --request GET ''

# example data
        "id": 2104895800, # id is random
        "created_at": "2023-07-20T03:22:37.289-03:00",
        "message": "Hello everyone"

That's all folks!

Last updated